Saturday, 20 April 2013

Concept Vehicle Matte Painting

Final matte painting with one of my vehicle concepts. To make this image, I took photos of building in Toronto and pieced them together. The buildings on the left, center and right are all separate images. After making the background the way I wanted, I dropped one of my car concepts into the scene. To make the car and background work together, I pulled colours from the surround area and threw them on the car.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Monday, 1 April 2013

UPDATED 'Tommy the Box' Makes A Leap!

Here's 'Tommy', he's a box. Man this box loves him some candy. He thinks he see a piece on the ground, gets excited and jumps down. He has a closer look but sadly it's just a rock.

The rigs were provided by my professor, Jakub Pazera.