I'd like to first start off by saying that I really enjoyed this project/assignment and have sent a lot of time on it as well as helped other to complete their work. The point of the assignment was to set up two cut-scenes, add some animations on to some of the allies/enemies, and connect it all together using Kismet (ex. If you step in this trigger, do this, etc.). Here are some screenshots of some parts of my level. I wasn't able to capture it in video, so this is the best I can do for you.
Overview of level. |
What the player will see after the first cut-scene. |
Broken down ship to show that you have just crash landed. |
Spooky path with custom particle effect. |
Where the player must go in order to progress. |
What's this, a secret area? |
Yep, secret area including a dancing NPC you can talk to. |
Part of the first cut-scene that does a fly-through of the level. |
After defeating the enemy that spawns, the back gate opens. (Not sure why the materials wasn't saving properly, so that's why you see a blue/white pattern. It was fine for my final hand in, and while I'm in editor mode. Odd.) |
Walk to the newly opened gate and you're greeted by this message. |